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اقوى برنامج تحرير الـ php باخر اصدار له PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0

اذهب الى الأسفل

اقوى برنامج تحرير الـ php باخر اصدار له PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0 Empty اقوى برنامج تحرير الـ php باخر اصدار له PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0

مُساهمة من طرف احمد سعيد الأربعاء أبريل 22, 2009 10:47 pm

PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0

اقوى برنامج تحرير الـ php باخر اصدار له PHP Designer 2008 Professional v6.0 6jwke39

phpDesigner 2008 is today's complete integrated development environment for PHP for both beginners and professional developers that help you boost the process of editing, analyzing, debugging and publishing applications and websites powered by PHP and other web languages

Designed to boost your productivity and simplify complex coding projects through intelligent set of editing tools that includes full support for PHP4/PHP5, syntax highlighters, highlighting of matching tags/braces and numerous tools and wizards to speed of your development

In phpDesigner 2008 you can work with object oriented (OO) programming in PHP5, nested code completion and have code tip displayed as you type so you do not need to look into documentation to see classes and function attributes

The intelligent syntax highlighter in phpDesigner 2008 makes it the ideal development environment for AJAX developers. Automatic switch between syntax highlighters for PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript dependant on your position in the file and dim the rest of the code

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احمد سعيد
احمد سعيد
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المدير العام

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 350
العمر : 38
الموقع : https://ahmedsaid.yoo7.com
العمل/الترفيه : الرياضة
المزاج : تمام
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/04/2008


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